For today's Thankful Thursday we want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone that made this Summer's Vacation Bible School a huge success! Our Bridge Kids and their guests spent time on an island adventure together learning about how we can Arise and Shine the light of Jesus! We couldn't bring this many kiddos to Jesus without the help of our amazing Children's Ministry team and the volunteers that support this team. We also want to thank all of the families that chose to share their children with us for a few days as we came together to celebrate what it means to be a child of God!

Today we want to celebrate Nicole Pool! Nicole has the sweetest soul and we are so thankful Nicole, her husband Dustin, and her sweet kiddos, Olivia and Wyatt, choose to call The Bridge their church home.
Nicole is a part of our Leadership Board at The Bridge and we are so thankful for how she serves us in this role and provides guidance, leadership, and cast vision at The Bridge. Nicole and her family have been on this journey with us for years now and they have served God in so many ways in our community and through The Bridge. You might have seen this family leading different parts of our worship service like lighting the advent wreath, sharing their testimony of why they support The Bridge, or perhaps you have seen them greeting you as you enter the doors of The Bridge. Nicole always demonstrates servant leadership to her kiddos by bringing them along to serve at events and service projects like in our Pumpkin Patch, by providing a trunk for this year's Trunk or Treat, or while she is serving in one of our Bridge Kids' classrooms. Nicole is a person you just want to spend time around and spreads joy wherever she is, so we are so thankful for how often we get to spend time around her and her sweet family!
We are so thankful for you Nicole and how you allow God to work through you in all you do. You are so active in our Odessa community and always looking for ways you can serve those around you and make our community a better place to live. We are thankful that you and Dustin choose to raise Olivia and Wyatt at The Bridge and are blessed to do ministry alongside of you! Thank you for all you do!

It’s Thankful Thursday at The Bridge and we are so thankful for Chris Weinzel!
Chris and his sweet wife Victoria and precious boy Gideon made the choice to become official
members of The Bridge a while back and Chris jumped right in to all things at The Bridge! One of the things we love the most about Chris is how passionate he is about The Bridge and serving God through his gifts.
Chris is most visible up on stage on Sunday mornings as a part of our band, but Chris has such an awesome personality that has been such a blessing in so many areas of The Bridge. Chris is one of our worship leaders for Bridge Builders youth group on Wednesday nights and it has been so awesome to see the relationships he has built with our youth. Chris is such a great role model and we are so thankful for the amount of time he invests in our youth group.
Chris is a talented guitarist and singer and works so hard at his craft. Anytime you ask Chris to do something you know he is going to work to perfect it and give you 100%. Chris has dedicated countless hours to Worship at the bridge and we know that means sacrificing time at home with his family. We are so thankful that Victoria and Gideon share him with us like they do and most importantly we thank God for creating Chris and using him so vibrantly to make a difference in the world around him.
Thank you Chris for all you do at The Bridge and please know how much we appreciate you!

Thankful Thursday - The Heard Family
Today is Thankful Thursday at The Bridge and man are we thankful for the Heard family! Bill, Debbie, and Eric are such an important part of Bridge Life and we do not know what we would do without them. We couldn’t possibly share every thing they do for The Bridge, but hope this gives you some insight into how precious this family is to us!
Debbie is the first to volunteer for ALL things and always shows up to serve with a smile and servants heart. You can always find Debbie in our Hospitality Area on Sunday mornings offering you a hot cup of coffee and donut. Debbie does so many things that go unseen though. She does everything from cook food for meal trains to volunteer countless hours in our pumpkin patch. We so often look around and talk about how thankful we are that Debbie volunteers at all of our events, because she is the person you can always count on to be there. Thank you Debbie for always being there to help Melody and the rest of us with whatever it is that needs done. We are so thankful for you!
Bill and Eric volunteer as greeters, ushers, and communion servers and we are so thankful that anytime we ask them to volunteer at something they say yes! Whether it is hanging the greens at Christmas time or tearing down tables and chairs after events, these two guys are there to do whatever we need. Thank you both for always being willing to help!
We all need to say a big THANK YOU to Eric! Eric has volunteered to pick up our Sunday morning donuts for years now and always has them at The Bridge early for all of the people who walk through our doors ready for coffee, donuts, and worship! We are all thankful for your donut delivery and we especially know our Bridge Kids are thankful for those donuts on Sunday mornings!
We love you Heard family and celebrate you today and praise God for all you do for us!

Today is thankful Thursday and we are definitely loving this lady right here. Reagan Whytlaw and her family have deep roots in the the foundation of The Bridge and Reagan continues to do whatever it takes to make sure The Bridge is staying on course to do what we were called to do: Connect people with God, each other, and the world.
Reagan serves on our leadership board, is an instrumental member of our youth leadership team, volunteers as a Bridge Kids leader, and can often times be seen greeting you as you enter our building on Sunday mornings. From leading small groups to hosting events, Reagan always finds a way to lend a helping hand and bring people together. Reagan truly leads with a servant’s heart and is one of the most passionate people about The Bridge that you could ever talk with. Reagan and Brian along with their children, Hadley and Grady, are just one beautiful example of why so many people love to call The Bridge their church home and we are so thankful for all they do.
Thank you Reagan for loving The Bridge so well and please know how thankful we are that God shares you with us!

Today is Thankful Thursday at The Bridge and we want to highlight one of the most energetic and talented people you will ever meet!
We are so thankful for Zander Anderson and the many ways he serves at The Bridge.
From being the Easter Bunny at our drive-through Trunk or Treat to playing the piano he is your go to guy. Zander is one of our youth group leaders and has made such an impact leading our high school guys group. He often leads worship for Bridge Builders Youth Group, loves to throw the football around, and is a great example for our youth to look up to. You probably recognize him from hearing his beautiful voice on Sunday mornings as apart of our praise team!
We are so thankful for how you share your God given gifts with us at The Bridge Zander and we love being on the journey with you!